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The youth and concerned individuals have committed to create these programs with Concrete Faith Illustrated Inc.



AU AGE IS UNLIMITED DOMINANCE is an extension program of our Youth Avengers services for our senior citizens. It will provide seniors cutting age technology to bill pay, check financial accounts, and social media. Computers and Dragon software where they can speak to the computer what transaction may need to be completed. Our senior citizens are at risk. Some have to rely on unworthy candidates to handle their personal information and vehicles. It is a tremendous issue since our seniors are on fixed income to trust people to pay their bills for them but instead they steal their money. 70% of our seniors can no longer drive so it is almost impossible for them to see loved ones. AU: AGE IS UNLIMITED DOMINANCE will give our seniors the power, understanding, knowledge, and lose the fear of computers. Therefore, they will learn how to check their bank accounts online right at the dinner table or in the bedroom. They can pay bills online at comfort of home, and talk and see loved ones using social media.



The entire world of education has transformed itself for the generations to come. Now, the basic student is in need of having 21st Century Skills just to survive. We give each student the most resources in the new world of technology as it relates to education and careers. Each student is special and TeraBYTE will make the necessary adjustments to approach all walks of life, educational background, and at risk youth.



This program teaches youth the power of self confidence and THE POWER to stand up and protect those that are victims. As they enter adolescence, your students are testing new ideas and behavior. With the practical information and detailed instructions in this manual, you can steer them away from bullying. Will help your students understand bullying and respond to it safely and effectively. In the end, they'll be making their own way--free of bullying violence. 

Make your classroom a safe, secure setting in which kids can thrive

Distinguish between bullying and peer-to-peer conflict

Hold students accountable even when you didn't witness the act

USE TECHNOLOGY to help each other

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